
Public Speaking: From Dread to Love, An Honest Conversation

23/04/2025 - From 19h30 to 21h - Members Only
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A fireside chat brought to you by Jessica Ramos, Regulatory, Payments and FinTech Executive and member of the board of The Nine, and Elizabeth Van Den Bergh, Speaker and Leadership Coach on a mission to bring more female leaders on stage.


To be able to express your ideas in a clear and convincing matter is one of the most important career skills.


When Jessica Ramos shared her public speaking journey in a post on LinkedIn, countless people really resonated with it and found it inspiring. She somehow managed to go from dreading it to loving it and people wondered how. So the idea originated to have a fireside chat-style event, to discuss her journey and allow the audience to be inspired and hopefully empowered. Elizabeth worked with Jessica on becoming a better speaker and will join the conversation with practical and concrete tips about how you can evolve as a speaker to get comfortable and even get to enjoy it too.


Expect an honest and valuable conversation with the opportunity for you to ask questions.


Elizabeth Van Den Bergh: LinkedIn, Instagram, website


Get started on becoming a better speaker:

Elizabeth Van Den Bergh is an experienced speaker and leadership coach who coaches leaders to speak with confidence and impact. Her holistic approach is based on three pillars: confidence, content, connection. Whether you want to motivate, inspire, or blow your audience away, she’ll make sure your words have the desired effect.She is on a mission to empower women via public speaking. She believes every woman should be able to stand on a stage and own the room.Elizabeth has coached several TEDx speakers both at TEDxFlanders and TEDxKULeuvenBrussels.


Jessica Ramos: LinkedIn,Instagram


Regulatory, Finance, Payments and FinTech Executive with experience in Europe, USA and Latin America. Member of the Belgian Company Lawyers Bar, the New York Bar, the Honduran Bar, and the In-house Competition Lawyers Association.

In addition to her Law Degree, Jessica holds an MBA in Finance, an LL.M. in Corporate Law from New York University (NYU) and an LL.M. in Competition Law and Economics from the Brussels School of Competition. Certified in Governance, Risk and Compliance, Cyber Security for Business Leaders, Social Media Marketing and Law, Cognitive Technologies & Artificial Intelligence.

Board Member of PRETA, S.A.S., Board Advisor to CyberWayFinder and The Nine, Goodwill Ambassador for European Women Payments Network (EWPN) and ConceptionX Expert. Founded
Mizbiz in 2016, an organisation aiming to connect, inspire and empower women in Belgium. Frequent speaker at financial industry events on topics ranging from Payments, Technology,
RegTech, Compliance, Financial Crime, Cyber Security, Diversity, and Inclusion and ESG.

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